Kamieniec Ząbkowicki

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Lot area
638 m2
Price m2
78,37 PLN
Total price
50 000 PLN
Lot destination
Residential building
Lot shape
Zoning plan
Green areas, Fair housing
Overall height

Description of property

Building plot.

Kamieniec Ząbkowicki is a charming town with a rich history.

The plot is located within the area of the local plan, marked with the symbol MN, for which the following purpose is established:
Basic purpose of the area: areas of single-family housing, without specifying the type of development.

The maximum plot development intensity index: 0.45, the minimum plot development index: 0.25. Biologically active area min. 35%

The maximum height of the ridge is 11 m. The maximum height of the eaves / upper edge of the front elevation: 5 m.

The layout of the roof and ridge: symmetrical, the angle of the roof slope (minimum / maximum):
a) gable: 31/450,
b) multi-hipped: 40/450.

The given price is a net value. VAT must be added.



Maciej Kurnicki

Maciej Kurnicki


+48 602 375 107

Agent profile
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